I am interested in image processing, computer vision, deep learning and web development. My current research focuses on object detection and face detection.

Welcome to contact me.

Recent News

05/2021 - Joined in Microsoft SCTA as a SWE intern.

05/2021 - Participated the 2021 IEEE INFOCOM ICCN workshop and made a presentation.

06/2020 - Joined in Momenta MSD as an R&D intern.

12/2019 - Our team won the 2nd Prize in "HUAWEI Cup" China Post-Graduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling.

09/2018 - Be a recommended postgraduate of Tongji University.

06/2018 - Joined in Huawei as an algorithm intern.

12/2017 - Won the National Scholarship at HHU.

09/2017 - Our team won the 2nd Prize in "China Software Cup" Software Design Competition for College Students.

09/2017 - Our team won the 2nd Prize in Chinese Undergraduate Service Outsourcing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.

09/2017 - Be the Vice-Chairman of College Student Science and Technology Association at HHU.


Tongji University (Tongji)  |  Sep. 2019 - Present

M.S. in Computer Science and Technology, research interests: image processing, computer vision, etc.

Mentor: Prof. Qingwen Liu(Thousand Young Talents).

Hohai University (HHU)  |  Sep. 2015 - Jun. 2019

B.S. in IoT Engineering, GPA: 4.71/5.00 (7/100).

Mentor: Assoc. Prof. Xueping Jiang.


Papers (* equal contribution)

A Cloud-Edge-Terminal Collaborative System for Temperature Measurement in COVID-19 Prevention,
Zheyi Ma, Hao Li, Wen Fang, Qingwen Liu, Bin Zhou and Zhiyong Bu,
An accurate mobile body temperature measurement system is designed, and the average detection speed is about 200ms.


IoT pulse diagnosis system based on big data analysis,
Application Number: 2018100218565
Yunke Pang, Zheyi Ma, Bin Li, Xin Li and Xueping Jiang.


Face anti-spoofing detection method for user access of mobile power supply device,
Application Number: 201911250638X
Qingwen Liu, Zheyi Ma, Hao Li, Aozhou Wu.


Lightweight target positioning method for mobile power supply receiver,
Application Number: 2019112609579
Qingwen Liu, Aozhou Wu, Hao Li, Zheyi Ma.


An access control system for mobile power supply service,
Application Number: 2019112505870
Qingwen Liu, Hao Li, Aozhou Wu, Zheyi Ma.


Microsoft  | SCTA | SWE Intern  | May 2021 - Aug. 2021

Microsoft Fleet pipeline visualization.

• React and TypeScript are used as the basic technologies of the frontpage project. FluentUI is applied as the UI design and Mbox helps improve the effiency of the state monitoring between components.

Mentor: Yajing Fang

Momenta  | MSD | R&D Intern  | Jun. 2020 - Sep. 2020

Mainly responsible for data processing and writing online services to support other groups. Representative work:

• Dynamic analyzer framework: Factory mode is used to realize the dynamic addition of analyzers. Users can modify the configuration file and customize the analyzers to analyze and process data packets.

• Online task processing service: Using Python task framework Celery and flask-restful, a task management platform is designed. Users can add new tasks by specifying relevant parameters through restful api and return task id (different types of tasks have different priorities). The task status can be queried by the id, and the result will be returned at the same time if it has been processed. images for image denoising and super resolution tasks.

Mentor: Sibo Jia

Huawei  | SMC | Algorithm Intern  | Jun. 2018 - Aug. 2018

Research on reinforcement learning algorithms in a turn-based game. Representative work:

• DQN game AI:
   Project introduction: Using the DQN reinforcement learning algorithm proposed by DeepMind, the game AI is trained, and finally the AI automatically plans the path according to the rewards.
   Personal work: Mainly responsible for the reproduction of DQN and the implements of the basic game environment.

Mentor: Zhixiang Pei, Dajun Miao


Program Language: Python, Java, C/C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML/CSS

Framework: Django, Flask, Struts2, Wechat Mini Programs, React, Android(Java)

Libraries and others: Linux, Git, Docker, TensorFlow, LaTeX

Awards and Honors

12/2019, National 2nd Prize of "HUAWEI Cup" China Post-Graduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, Tongji University.

05/2018, "Top Ten Students" of College of Internet of Things Engineering, Hohai University.

12/2017, National Scholarship, Hohai University.

12/2017, Academic Excellence Scholarship & Technological Innovation Scholarship, Hohai University.

09/2017, National 2nd Prize of "China Software Cup" Software Design Competition for College Students, Nanjing.

09/2017, National 2nd Prize of Chinese Undergraduate Service Outsourcing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Wuxi.

08/2017, Provincial 1st Prize of National Undergraduate IOT Design Contest, Shanghai.

05/2017, Outstanding Communist Youth League Member, Hohai University.

05/2017, Outstanding Student Leader, Hohai University.

04/2017, Provincial 3rd Prize of National College Competition on Internet of Things, Wuxi.

12/2016, Academic Excellence Scholarship, Hohai University.